Man and evolution

The greatest mystery in the complete structure of the human being is the ability to adapt to anything, any event, any situation that may present itself to him in an unexpected way. For thousands of years on earth, events have been following one another, some of them the human cannot understand, others that he would never have imagined would exist and sometimes even causing damage to nature and the human himself. However, all this is only what human calls life, the earthly journey.

In fact, in a single life, in this journey, we are confronted with many facts that make us believe that after us there may be no one else, which is why humans are not afraid to try everything they find or discover about the mystery of nature without wanting to know if it could have repercussions on this same nature in the long term. He doesn't care at all. And this, fortunately, contributes to his intellectual and physical development.

The sequence of experiences that the human being practices from day to day fall on discoveries that will be later, indispensable for the human being himself. That's why even today with the technology we feel living in the present world. This means that without it we are completely out of touch with the latest developments.

The only problem is that unfortunately not every human being can keep up with the discoveries. Many people are left behind and a moment later they realize that the train is no longer at the station and that it is already too late to get on board.

Nowadays, I would say that many people don't know how to use this infinite resource of information that we call the Internet, which is also a problem because everywhere it is an element that, over time, has proven to be indispensable to happiness of many. As TESLA would say renewable energy; ¨ should be at the disposal of everyone's knowledge¨. But strangely, the human being is always adapting and many people can do without it and still live the old-fashioned happiness in an evolved world.

So man is always the author of his evolution but without the same level as his neighbor and despite everything, everyone adapts to his way, to his level of evolution.